I's been way too long since I checked in. Mom's fault. Sheesh! (She apologizes to all my friends, so I'm cutting her some slack)
Meanwhile, while I was away in Norf Carolina for Thanksgiving, which you probably read all about on my sissy Asta's blog, I was given my first ever award. Woweeee!!!
It's a Circle of Friends award from Mack and Sally Ann and I'm really honored.

It comes with some requirements, which am happy to comply with:
1. Publish it on my blog referring to the friend who sent it. (Done)
2. Tell five things you like to do.
3. Pass the award on to keep the circle growing.
OK. Here goes:
I love zoomies and can run really fast. I do this especially well with my sissy in the long hallway of her house and at the dog run with my friend Djiga, who is a greyhound and knows something about running.

I like to jump straight up in the air, which I do when I'm happy, usually all the time, but especially when my neighbor friend, Stella is on the other side of our front door. She is such a cutie!.
I like pick up sticks in the park and to eat fall leaves.

I like to eat roast chicken even better.
I like to say a friendly 'hello' to the squirrels in the park (hehehe!)
(The chicken and the squirrels disappeared too fast for a photo. Is anyone surprised?)
I now I would like to pass this award on to:
Agatha and Archie
Maggie and Mitch
Scruffie, Lacie and BabyStan
and my sissy, Asta
Thank you so much Mack and Sally Ann

Luv to all,